Sand Sculpting: Engelbert, the Sandface

My dad and the sandface lol
Meet Engelbert, the sandface. HAHA looks like an Engelbert face to me.. And that’s my sunburnt dad right there talking to it, lol!
This was my first time to try sculpting a face!! It was kind of confusing since I had no base of depth in mind AND OBVIOUSLY I’M NOT A SCULPTOR AND I DO NOT KNOW HOW HAHA but hey, I tried! It was just a random face and as you can see, that’s sand. If you’ve read my previous posts, then yup, that’s the same beach of Dipaculao in Aurora PH. My younger cousins were in their usual “oh-beach-its-time-for-sand-stuff” state so I just joined in.
Zee inspiration: I was inspired to try this because recently, I’ve been reading American history articles…….. wowowow nerd alert but no, it’s because I came across an article on different tourist landmarks and Mount Rushmore was featured there okay!! Yaknow.. that mountain with the four faces of them previous US presidents.. So I got curious and all and landed on American history, haha! So thanks for that George, Theodore, Thomas and Abraham! I just learned Abraham Lincoln ended slavery in the US, wow clap clap for that but he was assasinated…  And of course, for the inspiraiton of the sculptors- Gutzon/Lincoln Borglum!
Some art tip/link: Also, the facial features interest me! I’ve been practising drawing portraits: the eyes, nose and mouth. And one drawing tip that I’ve learned from -Proko is to know the basic human anatomy! I’m thinking that same goes for make-up since it’s like re-constructing and painting your face, then also for sculpting! So yeah hooray for Proko’s videos! 
Dami kong tinatry pls, gusto ko rin mag-calligraphy as of the moment huhu i want everything lols, anyways, so yun I tried sand sculpting, looking forward to sculpting my face……..


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